Club Events

The following events are open to all members of the British Car Club of Manitoba (BCCM), the Austin-Healey Club of Manitoba (AHCM) and the Mid-Canada Mini Group (MCMG). These events are intended to help promote interest in our Little British Car (LBC) hobby and keep our club memberships healthy and alive. All three clubs have decided to generously open their major events to the other clubs.

Events for 2024 are listed below. Check back often as more events will be published when information becomes available.

Date Event Description
January 24 (Wed) BCCM Monthly Meeting
7:30pm at St. James Legion - 1755 Portage Ave.
February 28 (Wed)
BCCM Monthly Meeting
Mar 22 - 24 World of Wheels
March 27 (Wed) BCCM Monthly Meeting
7:30pm at St. James Legion - 1755 Portage Ave.
April 24 (Wed) BCCM Monthly Meeting
7:30pm at St. James Legion - 1755 Portage Ave.
Apr 26 - 28 Rodarama
May 4 (Sat) Mark and Ted's BCCM/AHCM Garage Tour
The start will again be from Tom Struthers' place. Tim Hortons breakfast sandwiches and coffee will be served at 8:15 and we will be boarding the bus at 9:00. We have 5 stops planned. The cost $25, including breakfast and a smokie dog lunch. Please RSVP to Ted at
8:15am at 281 Marlton Crescent
May 22 (Wed) BCCM Monthly Meeting & Summer Evening Drive
We plan to gather at the Canadian Tire Parking lot on Fermor for a short, short meeting and take a drive out to Brian's Drive-in located in Lorette (18 km drive) for ICE CREAM. Note the earlier start time.
6:30pm at 157 Vermillion Rd., Winnipeg
June 6 - 8 Rendezvous 2024
Rendezvous '24 in Thunder Bay, ON. See Rendezvous for details.
Thunder Bay, ON
June 8 (Sat) Lunch Run
Meet at the Tim Hortons in Oakbank at 11am. Destination will be the Half Moon Restaurant for lunch.
11:00am at 27007 Springfield Rd, Oakbank
June 16 (Sun) Father's Day at the Aviation Museum
Father's Day British car display at the Royal Aviation Museum of Western Canada. Contact Wil Lozie for details and to register. Gates to show area open at 9:30am.
9:30am at 2088 Wellington Ave
June 22 (Sat) Breakfast at the Manitoba Highland Games
Meet at the Legion at Henderson and the Perimeter at 9:15am for a 9:30 departure. Will arrive in Selkirk at around 10am for a pancake breakfast ($6).
9:15am at Henderson Legion (215 Maxwell King Dr - Henderson & the Perimeter)
June 26 (Wed) BCCM Monthly Meeting & Summer Evening Drive
We plan to gather at the Safeway parking lot on Osborne & Kylemore (closer to Jubilee) for a short, short meeting and take a drive down to Licks Ice Cream shop via St Vital Park (30 minute drive) for ICE CREAM.
6:30pm at 665 Osborne St at Kylemore
July 6 (Sat) BCCM Supper Run
We will be meeting at Deacon's Corner at 4pm and then heading to Bigg Smoak in Steinbach for some tasty BBQ. We will require a reservation at the restaurant so please RSVP to Ralf Hallmann at if you plan to attend.
4:00pm at Deacon's Corner
July 14 (Sun) MCMG Show and Shine
Annual MCMG British Car show at The Forks. Enter the park near the children's museum. Parks Canada wants to minimize auto traffic on the walking paths, so please try to be at the event for 11am.
11:00am to 4:00pm at The Forks
July 14 (Sun) Post-MCMG Show BBQ
BBQ at Barry Howorth's place. Contact Barry at for more information.
4:00pm at 69 Bright Oaks Bay
July 16 (Tue) The Aussies are Coming!
A group of Austrialian and British MG owners are driving cross country from Halifax to Vancouver. A booking has been made for a BBQ evening with them at the Oak Picnic Shelter in St. Vital Park from 5- 9 pm. BCCM members are encouraged to attend and provide a warm Manitoba welcome. RSVP is required. If you are interested in attending please email no later than July 9th.
5:00pm at St. Vital Park
July 24 (Wed) BCCM Monthly Meeting & "Drive My Car"
Short monthly meeting followed by an opportunity to take other members LBCs for a short drive. Participation is optional, but you must share your LBC if you want to participate.
6:00pm at Skinners on River Rd in Lockport
July 27 (Sat) BCCM Supper Run
We plan to gather at the Canadian Tire Parking lot on Fermor for a country drive south of the city and finishing at Mr. Mike's on Kenaston for supper. We will require a reservation at the restaurant so please RSVP by July 24th to Ralf Hallmann at if you plan to attend. This event is rain or shine!
4:00pm at 157 Vermillion Rd., Winnipeg
August 3 (Sat) Pistons and Props Airshow Portage la Prairie
Be part of an historic event as the RCAF celebrates its 100th Anniversary at the “Pistons & Props” Classic Collector & Specialty Car Show, Saturday, August 3rd and Sunday, August 4th at Southport, MB as part of the Manitoba Airshow. Contact Peter Forman at if you want to join the group heading out on Saturday.
August 17 (Sat) MCMG Show at Lower Fort Garry
MCMG Car show at Lower Fort Garry. All cars should be of a vintage nature. All cars must be parked by 10am and can not leave until 4pm (This is non negotiable, if you can not commit to the whole day don't come). There are 50 spaces available and once they are claimed we will get everyone to fill out volunteer forms. Please register with Paul Thompson (MCMG President) at by August 1st.
10:00am at Lower Fort Garry (Selkirk)
August 18 (Sun) British Car Night at the Pony Corral
Arrive by 3 PM and park in the prime location at the front.
3:00pm at The Pony Corral - 400 Wilton St, Grant Park Shopping Centre
August 28 (Wed) BCCM Monthly Meeting & Summer Evening Drive
Meet in the southwest corner of the St. Vital Centre parking lot (near the CIBC). We will then go on a drive south of the city looping back to Cool Encounters on Paterson St.
7:00pm at Southwest corner of St. Vital Centre parking lot (St. Mary's and Meadowood)
September 7 (Sat) BCCM Burger Week Supper Run
A supper run to the Thirsty Lion Tavern (River Crest Inn, 4200 Main St., West St. Paul) for Burger Week. We will be meeting at 4:15PM at the Royal Canadian Legion Branch 215 on Maxwell King Drive. Departing at 4:30pm SHARP. RSVP is required. Please let Ralf Hallmann ( know if you are attending no later than noon Friday, September 6th. Once again this will be rain or shine. Bring your car best suited for the weather.
4:15pm at Henderson Legion (215 Maxwell King Dr - Henderson & the Perimeter)
September 10-13 Multiday Tour
A four day tour through Manitoba's Interlake and Parkland regions and southeastern Saskatchewan. There is also the option to join for just the first day and loop back to Winnipeg. Email Chad Edwards ( if you want more information.
September 15 (Sun) Gardenton Fall Supper
Drive to the Fall Supper in Gardenton. Planned route takes about 1.5 hrs to get there. Shorter options for the drive back. Meet at the Co-op Gas Bar in La Salle at 1pm, with a 1:30pm departure time.
1:00pm at Co-op Gas Bar in La Salle
September 21 (Sat)
Car Show in Carman
Participation in the show cancelled due to weather.
September 25 (Wed) BCCM Monthly Meeting & Summer Evening Drive
You are invited to attend our last Ice Cream Meeting run of the year. We will gather at Kildonan Park Golf Course parking lot at 6:30pm for a quick meeting and then depart on a short drive northbound just outside the perimeter and return down Main street to arrive at our destination, 9 Below Ice Cream (across from the COOP gasbar).
6:30pm at Kildonan Park Golf Course, 2021 Main St
September 28 (Sat) Annual Fall Colours Tour
Meet at the Tim Hortons in Oakbank at 9:30am for a 9:45am departure. Route will take us through Lac du Bonnet, Poplar Bay, Silver Falls, Powerview, and Stead before heading back to Selkirk for supper at the Riverboat Family Restaurant. Bring lawn chairs and a picnic for our lunch stop. Total distance travelled from Tims to Selkirk is ~275km.
9:30am at Tim Hortons, 27007 Springfield Rd, Oakbank
October 23 (Wed) BCCM Monthly Meeting
Back in person at the Legion.
7:30pm at St. James Legion - 1755 Portage Ave.
November 27 (Wed) BCCM Monthly Meeting (AGM)
In person at the Legion.
7:30pm at St. James Legion - 1755 Portage Ave.
December 13 (Fri) BCCM Christmas Party
Annual BCCM Christmas Party.
6:00pm at Norwood Hotel - 112 Marion St.

Other Events

Every Saturday during the winter months we have a standing reservation at the Park Cafe in Assiniboine Park for breakfast at 9:00AM .