Club Awards

Every year at the annual Christmas Party the club presents two awards.

Don Foulkes Award

Don Foulkes Award

Back in 2011, the club decided to create an annual "Enthusiast Award" in honour of Don Foulkes, a founding members of the Triumph Driver's Club who had passed that year. Don was the club's Treasurer for the first 9 years and was a big help in getting the newsletter out each month. He was an English Gentleman of a bygone era. He was soft spoken, but always had a story to tell about the early days of racing at Gimli, or about travelling in his Jag through the US, or setting the roof of his TD on fire with his cigars. Don was a very active club member. Even though he didn't have a running car in later years, he was still present at most club events. You can see why the club chose to name its Enthusiast Award after Don. The Enthusiast Award trophy is a symbol of Don and you can see a small TR3 carefully placed at its top. With a nod to Don, and the club he helped form, it was decided that even with the club name change, the award would be kept exactly as it was originally created in Don's honour.

When the club passed the resolution to create this award, it gave the club President the responsibility to select the recipient for the award each year presented to the member/spouse who best exemplifies the enthusiasm and dedication to the Club vision and purpose.

Past recipients include:

Drummond Phillips Award

Drummond Phillips Award

In 1952, Drummond Phillips and his wife, Edna, were posted to Triumph's Toronto office. The family returned to the UK in 1957. As a parting gift the Canadian employees presented the family with a Silver Salver. In 2009 John Macartney toured North America in a 1973 Triumph Stag, including a stop in Winnipeg. After returning to the UK, a member of the Phillips family contacted John to see if he would know anyone that would be interested in the Salver that had been given to the family back in '57. I guess Winnipeg made an impression on John, as he suggested that we may be a trusted caretaker for the Salver. The club executive at the time decided that it would be a fitting tribute to a former Triumph employee in charge of getting Triumphs into Canada to use the Salver as restoration award. So now the Drummond Phillips Award is presented annually to a member of the British Car Club of Manitoba for best restoration or new car for that year as nominated and voted for by the membership.

To be eligible for the award, a vehicle must be: A) a new restoration or new car to Manitoba in the current year, B) must be registered to be driven on the road, C) must be eligible (but does not have to have) Collector Car Plates (i.e.: over 25 years old)

Past recipients include: