MPI Collector Vehicle Program

Information about the MPI Collector Vehicle Program can be found on the MAAC website or the Manitoba Public Insurance website.

To get qualified for the Collector Vehicle Program you must have your vehicle reviewed by an authorized Qualifier. Our club member Rick Unruh is one such person. Club members can contact Rick at or at 204-471-1385 to setup an appointment to have their car viewed and the required paperwork filled out.

When contacting Rick please:

Your car must be seen in person as part of the qualification process, and cars that are not completed and ready for the road are ineligible.

It is important that the forms be printed out as two separate pages and filled in with the appropriate information before meeting with the Qualifier. One page is to go to your insurance agent and the other page stays with the Qualifier.

Some people have been asking what the charge is for this service: It is completely free! Qualifiers do not receive any compensation for this service. They are strictly volunteers and they do not work for MPI. Also, they are not doing appraisals for any purposes beyond qualifying cars for the Collector Vehicle Program.